Art can represent ones personality sometimes better than words can. Conflict can be shown without hate, disappointment without tears. My broad and varying personality is shown with the strong contrasts in both colors and shapes to create an overall positive mood around the artwork.
   The difference in tones and colors between glazes, mainly cobalt blue and clear show my spirit the best. My favorite piece is the cup with the small blue flowers painted on. The darkness of the stain is clearly defined on a soft background. The shape is unique when compared to my other pieces, which are much more boxy than delicate. 
   Many of my projects are very simple, cylinders with slightly flared lips or varying circumference seems to be a running shape my artwork takes. I decided to keep projects as simple as possible in both shape and glaze to keep focus on the contrast of my pieces. This helps keep the focus and doesn't distract the eye.
   The clay speaks to me each time i get on the wheel, some times I'm just not listening. When I'm having a good ceramics day it shows in my artwork. My spirited and outgoing personality continues to help me, or hurt me. On a bad day i don't take my time and often end up with off centered pieces or messily glazed bisque ware. Keeping a simple contrast helps me put in effort and come out with quality work. 

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2013

